Life is unpredictable and getting deep into debt is something that happens not by choice but by constraint. When you have borrowed funds to finance your investment in property, repayments might be the major concern for you. After all, one missed repayment can ruin your financial well-being and make your life terrifying. In fact, late repayment doesn’t just affect your credit rating but also increases the possibilities of losing your home.
Since the repayments of
home loans are not adjustable, your financial life may get affected easily. Dealing with financial obligations seems quite tough especially when you are behind on your home loan repayment. On top of this, it starts affecting your credit score and compels you to face issues related to bankruptcy. However, you should not worry at all even if you are no longer capable of making timely repayments. You don’t have to live your life as a loan defaulter. Fortunately, there are solutions that you can look for to avoid bankruptcy while making home loan repayments.
Wondering what steps you need to follow? Let’s delve deep into the guide that helps your finances head in the right direction and avoid
Steps to Take
Reasons behind why you are unable to make repayments can be many. Whether you have lost your job or you have met with an emergency, you can deal with the repayment issues and avoid bankruptcy in a hassle-free way. Let’s have a look at what steps you can take to keep up with your home loan repayments:
Defer Your Payments
If you are temporarily unable to make repayment of your home loan, then you should inform your bank in advance and ask for some sort of leverage to avoid your credit score from getting affected. You can opt for this solution during a job change and unemployment or loss in business. Your lenders follow a lenient behavior and understand these kinds of issues. However, they may impose penalties. Maybe they provide you a grace period to help you avoid facing issues like bankruptcy in future.
Borrow from Your Friends
Borrowing funds from your family or friends during an emergency may be an option. However, they have their own financial concerns and they may deny helping you due to the genuine reasons. This is why you can’t rely on this option completely. But, yes this could be an option for you to avoid your situation from getting worst.
Request Your Lender to Reduce EMIs
If you are constantly facing issues with EMI payments, then you should request your lender to reduce EMIs which in turn helps you to avoid missing repayments. Approaching your lending institute and requesting them to reduce EMIs and increase your loan tenure will make a huge sense. Once your situation gets better, your lender will increase the amount of EMIs again.
Restructuring the Loans
Maintaining the terms and condition of your loan seems important to keep your financial life on the right track. However, you should consult with your lending firm if you are unable to meet the terms and conditions of the home loans. You can request them to restructure your loan and reduce the charges and rates of interest. Restructuring your loan is indeed a good choice to make the situations in your favor.
One-Time Settlement
This option seems useful when the borrower is not able to repay the loan to the extent that the interest of the due amount is more than the principal amount. In this condition, a borrower may bankrupt. You can request your bank to bring you an affordable one-time settlement option. They can accept your offer and bring you the right deal that is in favor of you and your bank. This will help you avoid bankruptcy but could affect your credit score.
Opt for Personal Loans
If you think that you are capable of repaying your loan but you still need a little financial help, you can opt for
personal loans. Taking out a loan will help you get instant cash in your hands and make you keep going despite temporary financial issues. If you think your situation allows you to keep up with home loan repayment with just a little financial help, then this option is certainly for you.
Getting Back to Financial Health
It is no denying that you can’t predict what comes next. If you think that getting your home loan approved to buy a new home is enough, then you are mistaken. It is just a beginning and there is a lot to come. The real struggle comes when it comes to making repayments. Making repayments of your home loan in time seems important for your financial health. This is why you should always keep yourself aware of options that you can look around for when repayments are no longer easy to make. The above-mentioned options are indeed beneficial in all senses. Now, it is up to you which option you will choose. Just analyze your situation and opt for a suitable option to get back to financial health and avoid bankruptcy while making home loan repayments.